Week 10 Monday Motivation
Piute County School District,
I recently found out that one of my favorite teachers may have retired. She was an excellent teacher. She had only been teaching for 7 years when I started elementary. She taught 3rd-5th grades. She has now apparently completed her Ph.D and is a university science professor. You may have learned from her as well.
She had a dress to match each day’s lesson, she had her own school bus, and she used it quite often. She believed in putting her students as close as possible to the learning. Other teachers might have said she spent too much time on science and not enough time on other subjects. She believed in active and engaged learning.
Ms. Frizzle, sometimes called “the Friz,” is the main character in over 150 children’s “Magic School Bus” books. She is also the star of one of the longest running children’s tv shows. From the first book in 1986 to the premiere of The Magic School Bus Rides Again in 2017 a lot of young minds have benefited from her instruction. The new 2017 Netflix series depicts Ms. Frizzle as a university professor and the main character is her sister Fiona. Fiona is the new 4th Grade teacher at Walkerville Elementary and the new driver of the magic school bus.
The foundation of everything I know about hurricanes, the water cycle, buoyancy, butterflies, and a host of other things I learned from Ms. Frizzle. I think she was such a compelling teacher because she always seemed so excited about what she was teaching. I think our students feel the same. When we are excited to teach, they are more inclined to be excited to learn.
Thank you for your enthusiasm despite difficulties,
If you have really young kids or work with really young kids or like really young kids then you might like this website. Famous actors and actresses read children's books and some animation is added. Kids can follow along or just enjoy the story. I like the celebrities' demonstration of excitement about reading and books.