6003 - Applying For & Administering Federal Grants

6003 - Applying For & Administering Federal Grants

A. Purpose

This section establishes policy governing compliance requirements associated with applying for and

administering Federal awards.

B. Applying for Federal Grants and the Designation of Grant Administrator

  1. 1. Authority to apply for a Federal grant is restricted to District administrators or those higher in authority. Other employees who wish to apply for a Federal grant may only do so if their line authority administrator is willing to act as the applicant.
  2. Every Federal award shall have a district administrator designated as grant administrator. 
  3. Prior to applying for a Federal grant, the potential grant administrator shall be knowledgeable regarding: 1) Uniform Administrative Requirements (2 CFR Part 200) which is applicable to all federal awards, 2) the specific requirements particular to the grant being applied for, 3) State laws and regulations applicable to the grant being applied for, and 4) all District policies and procedures relevant to the grant.

C. Statement of Responsibility

  1. 1. Grant administrators are responsible for the fiscal management of each Federal award for which they have been designated as such. Fiscal management responsibilities are not delegable. Grant administrators, by accepting the role, are required to:
    1. Administer the Federal funds in a manner compliant with 2 CFR Part 200, underlying agreements, program objectives, the terms and conditions of the Federal award, State laws and regulations, and district policies and procedures.
    2. Ensure that the grant budgets are set up on the district’s financial system and agree to the budgets approved by the Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity.
    3. Ensure that grant expenditures are:
      1. Necessary to meet program objectives.
      2. Reasonable. (A cost is reasonable if, in its nature and amount, it does not exceed that which would be incurred by a prudent person under the circumstances prevailing at the time the decision was made to incur the cost.)
      3. Allowable. (See 2CFR 200.420-475 and District policies.)
      4. Within the period of performance as defined by 2 CFR 200.309.
      5. Included in the budget approved by the Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity.
      6. Authorized prior to occurring.
      7. Not paid to certain parties that are debarred, suspended or otherwise excluded from or ineligible for participation in Federal programs or activities in accordance with 2CFR Part 180, (See “Debarment & Suspension” in the Exhibit section of this Fiscal Policy Manual.)
      8. Coded using the proper account number codes.
      9. Adequately documented with original receipts and other required certifications as identified by the Director of Accounting.
    4. Monitor expenditure levels against the budget approved by the Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity. Any deviations greater than 10% from budget or project scope or objective must be reported to the awarding agency. Prior approvals from Federal awarding agencies for budget and program plan revisions are required and must be done according to 2 CFR 200.308.
    5. Ensure that the Property Standards in 2 CFR Part 200.310-316 are followed.
    6. Ensure that required reports are filed in compliance with 2 CFR Part 200.327-329.
    7. If applicable, ensure that matching requirements are met.
    8. If applicable, ensure compliance with subrecipient monitoring and management requirements as defined by 2 CFR Part 200.330-332.
  2. Grant administrators are responsible for the programmatic oversight of the grant. However, this responsibility may be delegated to a grant project director who oversees the day-to-day operations of and provides expertise associated with the grant. The identification of a project director does not relieve the grant administrator of programmatic oversight responsibilities. Programmatic oversight includes:
    1. Implementation of the grant to achieve the performance goals, indicators, and milestones as defined by the grant and/or provided by the Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity.
    2. Performance reporting sufficient to not only allow the Federal awarding agency to understand the recipient progress but also to facilitate identification of promising practices among recipients and build the evidence upon which the Federal awarding agency’s program and performance decisions are made.
    3. Supervision of Personnel. If a grant involves the supervision of personnel licensed by the Utah State Board of Education, a licensed administrator shall be designated by the grant to perform requisite supervisory responsibilities.

Adopted 4/18/23

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