Super Monday Week 12 SY24


A motivational and informational morning message from Superintendent Willis

Week 12 ~ October 30th, 2023

Super Monday Message

Happy Halloween! It has now been ten years since the word “Selfie” was added to the common dictionary. The ease of taking a selfie has improved significantly since then, with a second camera being added to nearly all mobile phones. The word can have a prideful and “center-of-the-universe-syndrome” connotation to it, but recently I heard of a very positive use of the word. 

The word selfie can be used to remember some very important self-care tips. 

  • S = Sleep
  • E = Eating Healthy
  • L = Light (Good ole Vitamin D)
  • F = Fun
  • I = Interaction With Others 
  • E = Exercise

The word can be used to describe six things that everyone needs. The first one is one of the most important. Only about 15% of teenagers are getting the recommended amount of sleep. The blue light from phones actually chemically keeps them awake. Everybody has funny and not funny stories about when people haven’t had enough sleep. It directly impacts your mood. Poor sleeping habits is one of the number one factors in the onset of depression. Get some sleep.

There is a lot of advice about how to eat healthy, but my advice is to do something very simple to start. Lots of people try to completely change their diet and eating habits overnight. It’s too big of a change too quickly and they don’t stick with it. Start by making a very small change in the more healthy direction and then add more small changes later. 

Winter is coming and with it we will have less sunlight. It’s still important to get outside and get some sunlight when we can. Your body clock is set by the amount of light it gauges. Your energy and appetite levels can be heavily influenced by your exposure to light. 

Having fun isn’t just fun, it chemically helps you in many ways. Having goals in a hobby helps improve memory and creativity. It’s more difficult to dwell on negative thoughts or experiences when we fill our time with positive talk and fun experiences. 

Giving you kids a good tight hug before they leave each day literally chemically bonds them to you. Physical touch and positive social interactions influence chemicals in our bodies and minds that can improve our overall health and happiness. For better social interactions we sometimes need better discipline with using technology in our home. 

Even a small amount of exercise each day can be beneficial for your health. Exercise affects the brain more than medication. Exercise boosts your immune system and leads to a better mood. One of the keys is to find exercise that you enjoy. The more you exercise, the more different exercises you’ll find you enjoy.

When we ourselves or someone close to us is struggling, these six things are a good place to start. Finding a good balance in these six activities is a great way to solve a host of problems. Find balance and live healthy in week 12.

Super High Fives

Just a couple of the awesome recent accomplishments that need a big thank you. 

  • A super high five to the Piute High School volleyball team and cross country teams. They had a great season and we’re proud of their performance. Big thank you’s to the seniors Kinley Shakespeare, Kaycee Gleave, Ainsley Talbot, Kole Westwood, Jaxon Westwood, Kade Severe, and Kooper Springer. An extra super high five to Jalee Barnson, Nash Fautin, and Bodie Gayler who jumped into cross country very late in the season and were great representatives for the school.

Other Super Information

Super Weekly Schedule



Oct. 30th


Oct. 31st


Nov. 1st


Nov. 2nd


Nov. 3rd


Nov. 4th


“A” Day

“B” Day

“A” Day

“B” Day

No School

No School






🏐 Volleyball


 Thank you for a great season

⚾ Baseball

 Thank you for a great season

👟Cross Country 

 Thank you for a great season    

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