Posted in 11000 Misc. Policies.

11009 - Constitutional Prayer

Student freedom of religious practice and speech during discretionary time policy

Utah Code §53A-13-101.3 Expressions of belief—Discretionary time provides that school personnel and/or other students or volunteers may not deny students the right to voluntary religious practice or freedom of speech during the students’ discretionary time so long as such practices or speech do not interfere unreasonably with school order and discipline, do not endanger persons or property and maintain civility and propriety in the school setting.

Policy:  Student freedom of religious practice and speech during discretionary time


  1. School personnel, school volunteers or other students shall not interfere with students’ religious practice or speech or freedom of speech during students’ discretionary time.
  2. “Discretionary time” means noninstructional time during which students may pursue personal interests. Noninstructional time includes before and after school, lunchtime and passing time.
  3. Student speech or activities must not unreasonably interfere with the order and discipline of the school, may not endanger others or property and must be respectful of order and civility in the school setting.
  4. Any limitation on student religious speech, practice or freedom of speech generally during discretionary time shall use the least restrictive means necessary to satisfy the school’s interests or to satisfy another specific compelling governmental interest.