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5045 - Homebound Program

The homebound teaching program is designed for students who are temporarily unable to attend school. The following rules and procedures apply to this program:

Students who have been absent five (5) consecutive days and will continue to be absent may be assigned a homebound teacher.
A homebound teacher may be assigned on the first day of absence if it is known that the absence will last five (5) or more days.
The parent should initiate the request for a homebound teacher.
The attendance secretary should check with parents of students absent five (5) consecutive days to determine if a homebound teacher should be assigned.
The homebound teacher will continue to visit the student until the student is able to return to school. However, after ten school days of homebound assignments, the school may require a doctor's statement concerning the condition of the student and the student's ability to return to school.
Students assigned to the homebound teacher will not be counted absent. The regular classroom teacher should mark H.B. in the roll book during the period the student is assigned a homebound teacher.
The homebound program is not designed to handle participation courses such as physical education, band, shop, etc. and credit for these courses may be lost if the absence is extensive. The principal, regular classroom teacher, and homebound teacher will determine which of the student's courses can be taught by the homebound teacher.

PARENT-TEACHER    Piute School District Schools shall schedule two conference(s) with the parent(s) of students.