Posted in 4000 Student Policies.

4021 - Admissions and Attendance



 If a school within Piute School District receives notification from the Bureau of Criminal Identification that a child which is currently or was previously enrolled is missing, the school shall flag the child's records sufficiently to alert school officers that the record is that of a missing child. If the school receives notification from the Bureau of Criminal Investigation that the child is no longer missing, it shall remove the flag from the record.
Utah Code Ann. 53A-11-S02


Within 14 days after enrolling a transfer student, a school shall request, directly from the student's previous school, a certified copy of his record, and shall exercise due diligence in obtaining the record.
Utah Code Ann. 53A-11-504
If a school within Piute District is requested to forward a copy of a transferring student's record to the student's new school, it shall comply unless the record has been flagged as being that of a missing child, in which case the copy shall not be forwarded and the school shall notify the Bureau of Criminal Identification of the request. Any knowledge as to the whereabouts of a missing child shall be reported immediately to the Bureau of Criminal Identification.
Utah Code Ann. 53A-11-502,504


A child may be enrolled in the first grade if the child is at least six years of age on or before September 2 of the current school year or has been enrolled in the first grade, or completed kindergarten in the public schools of another state prior to transferring to the District.
A child may be assigned to a grade other than that which would normally be assigned on the basis of age at the discretion of the District and with the consent of the child's parent or legal guardian.


Any student enrolling in the District for the first time must provide satisfactory evidence of required immunizations.


The principal of each District school shall ensure that each student admitted to that school has completed with, Department of Health requirements for vision dental, and hearing examinations.

Utah Code Ann. 53A-l 1-201

Piute School District shall accept all credits earned toward state graduation requirements by students in accredited Utah school districts and in accredited non-public schools, including credits earned in accredited summer school programs. Credits earned at non-accredited schools may be accepted at the accepting school's discretion. Accreditation shall be effective for purposes of this part if done by the Utah State Board of Education for non-public schools, or if done by the Utah State Board of Education or the Northwest Association of Schools and the Colleges for public schools.               Utah Admin. R. 300-410-3,4,5


Records and transcripts of students from Utah nonpublic schools or from out of state shall be evaluated, and students shall be placed promptly in appropriate classes.


A student who has been expelled from school district who is otherwise eligible to enroll may enroll in District schools; expulsion order from the other school district, the District may continue the expulsion under the terms of the order or may allow the student to attend classes without completing the period of expulsion.